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《QUE WordPress in Depth 2nd (2012)》文字版[PDF]
简介中文名: 深入了解WordPress 原名: WORDPRESS IN DEPTHSECOND EDITION 作者: Bud Smith 资源格式: PDF 版本: 插图版 出版社: Que 书号: 0-7897-4107-5 发行时间: 2011年07月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文
中文名: 深入了解WordPress 原名: WORDPRESS IN DEPTHSECOND EDITION 作者: Bud Smith 资源格式: PDF 版本: 插图版 出版社: Que 书号: 0-7897-4107-5 发行时间: 2011年07月 地区: 美国 语言: 英文 简介:

Advice and techniques that you need to get the job done. Looking for ways to streamline your work so you can focus on maximizing your time? In Depth provides specific, tested, and proven solutions to the problems you run into every day–things other books ignore or oversimplify. This is the one book that you can rely on to answer the questions you have now and will have in the future. In Depth offers Comprehensive coverage with detailed solutions Breakthrough techniques and shortcuts that are unavailable elsewhere Practical, real-world examples with nothing glossed over or left out Troubleshooting help for tough problems you can’t fix on your own Outstanding authors recognized worldwide for their expertise and teaching style Quick information via sidebars, tips, reminders, notes, and warnings. In Depth is the only tool you need to get more done in less time! Includes coverage on blog creation, widgets, plug-ins, themes, SEO, the WordPress.com platform, and WordPress.org software.

目录: Table of Contents Introduction 1 Part I: Getting Started with Your Blog Chapter 1: Getting Started with WordPress 9 Chapter 2: Starting Your Blog Right 27 Chapter 3: Creating Your Blog’s Look 51 Part II: Running Your Blog Chapter 4: Creating Your First Post 81 Chapter 5: Taking Posts Further 101 Chapter 6: Using HTML in Your Widgets and Blog 123 Chapter 7: Adding Features to Your Blog 147 Chapter 8: Tracking Statistics and Bringing In Visitors 167 Part III: Taking Your Blog Further Chapter 9: Adding Graphics to Your Posts 191 Chapter 10: Adding Upgrades, Audio, and Video 209 Part IV: Building Your Own WordPress Installation Chapter 11: Installing and Upgrading WordPress Software 229 Chapter 12: The WordPress Toolkit: Themes 257 Chapter 13: The WordPress Toolkit: Plug-Ins 271 Chapter 14: Style Sheets for Building Themes 287 Chapter 15: PHP Basics: Themes and Plug-Ins 321 Part V: Appendices Appendix A: WordPress.com Versus WordPress.org 349 Appendix B: WordPress Documentation 357 Appendix C: Examples of WordPress Blogs 363 Appendix D: Examples of WordPress.com Blogs 367 Appendix E: WordPress Site Maps 371 Appendix F: Importing Content from Other Systems 385 Index 391
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